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T200 H Shoe Moulding

T200 H Shoe Moulding

Extruded aluminum sliding door track and hardware is in stock and ready for immediate delivery. We have tracks for almost every application, call us today to inquire

H Shoe Moulding
Standard length 12'
Alloy 6063
This product qualifies for quantity discount pricing.
MMillAs extruded
PPolishedBuffed only
VCVelo clearCaustic etched, anodized
VGVelo goldCaustic etched, anodized, gold dipped
BCB/Lite clearBrite dipped, anodized
BGB/Lite goldBrite dipped, anodized, gold dipped
BLCBlux clearBuffed, brite dipped, anodized
BLGBlux goldBuffed, brite dipped, anodized,gold dipped
SSatin Lightly brushed finish
RSRipple silverMechanically hammered only
RGRipple goldMechanically hammered, anodized, gold dipped
PCPowder coatPolyester or epoxy powder, sprayed then baked
WPWet paintPaint(electrostaticly applied) then baked
HHolesDrilled or punched for proper application